Over the weekend, LSX LLC created an experience for Newport Beach Automotive Group’s McLaren clientele. McLaren is an automotive manufacturer with a rich history in international road racing dating back to the 1950s, with a customer base that truly understands the brand and loves to be behind the wheel of their luxury sports car. What better way to celebrate the clients of the brand than by planning a rally through Newport Beach.
While planning the first rally for the new client, the team at LSX LLC wanted to ensure a good attendance, and a strong communication strategy was decided. Through email marketing, as well as a digital campaign on social media networks, clients were easily reached and provided access to signup for the event. To no surprise, clients were eager to drive their cars with fellow McLaren owners and McLaren Newport Beach already has a waiting list for the next rally! Attendance was secured, and the production was underway, starting with a driving route. While Silvestri and team are based in Los Angeles, creating a driving route proved to be a challenge as the Newport Beach and surrounding canyons were new to all. Through exploration, and a few days of route testing, LSX had settled on just over 50 miles of Saturday morning fun.
That Saturday morning before hitting the road, clients were invited to enjoy coffee and pastries, where they were then all handed out a gift bag. This bag included a McLaren Newport Beach ballcap for the sun, bottled water for the ‘almost’ summer heat, a route map, and a radio to ensure the group can communicate throughout the canyons. Once all clients had arrived, McLaren product specialist, Nick, gave clients a quick run down of the morning ahead, and what to be aware of. While areas of the route have no cell phone reception, Nick made sure to let clients know that the team was prepared. Through radio communication as well as staff vehicles leading, and following the group, clients were reassured that they would not get lost. Also scattered throughout the line up were media cars such as a videographer and photographer to capture the event. Upon leaving, the route planned by LSX took clients through the Old Newport Beach, to the open highway, leading them first to a scenic overlook. The scenery paired with clients and their stunning vehicles was planned with the intention of capturing the client experience so that they will be able to have digital memory from the event. From there, they headed into canyon heaven. Originally built to connect Orange County to Mission Viejo, Santiago Canyon Road took drivers past Irvine Lake, Red Rock Canyon, and more through fast sweeping turns.
From the canyons, various highways were utilized to lead clients to an exquisite brunch hosted by Javier’s along the coast. At Javier’s clients were able to enjoy special dishes such as the Cabo Azul along with Costilla de Res and more. While for dessert, one could choose from a flan custard or the crowd favorite, fried ice cream! What better way than to get ready for summer than with ice cream and honey, rolled in toasted corn flakes and fried.